tantra, love


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What is Tantra?

Tantra means "woven" Together. Tantra is celebrating your body and feeling heightened sensuality. It is a very profound and sensual part of my healing journey. This is where my business name came from. Tantra made me more sensual and creative. I embodied my divine juicy feminine energy through Tantra. I am willing to share and shine with it. Everything is tantra to me. When we learn to use all our senses at once, it creates a profound magnetic effect on us.

How do I work with Tantra?

I provide 3 different types of Tantra services. They are as follows:


1. Tantra For Healing - Energetic massage to awaken your beautiful Divine SEFL. Most of us use one or two senses at once but we are given all five of them. How are you experiencing life? Are you playing all out or just a couple of your senses and calling it life? Don't you want to experience more? This session is strictly for healing purposes only. It's for you to wake up to what is possible. You may experience life, dying, death, intermediate, and rebirth all in one session. This is a powerful yummy 90 mins massage and is a one-way massage. Donation $450.00. (Other services can be added with a donation if needed).

2. Sensual Tantrica ( Tantra For Sensuality): This is a playful, exotic sensual massage. It evokes both our masculinity and femininity energy together. Lots of deep cuddling, smiling, touching, testing, and teasing will blow your mind kind of 90 mins session with the cherry on top. Hmm.... you are wondering what is the cherry, aren't you!!! Book it and find out. Donation $700.00

3. Kamasutra The Spiritual Alchemist: We dance and we play. We tease, we give and we receive each other sensually and blissfully without any agenda. We lose ourselves in each other's arms, singing, laughing, or crying if we have to. I add all other tantra sessions in this as well as connect to the higher level of inner spiritual union. 2+ hr. sessions. Donation $900.00

What involve in tantra session:

Quick meditation to evoke our energy

Set intention

Few ritual's


Synchronize Breathing techniques

No clothing for both of us

At the end 20 mins massage in the genital area.

What you need to know to book the session:

Feel what your heart desire;

Make sure you have the time above and beyond the time mentioned with each session;

Don't eat heavy meals before the sessions;

Also have extra time in hand if needed;

Call me at 512-694-3732 to book;

There is a $50 deposit via Venmo or CashApp to book that much time of mine.

orchid pierson